Annual HOA Meeting Scheduled

Happy New Year from your Arbor Springs HOA! As a new year begins, we invite you to join us for
our annual HOA meeting. It will be held virtually via Zoom at 10 AM, January 15th, 2022. Topics
include: a summary of 2021 activities, 2022 budget and dues, and election of 2022 HOA Board
You should have recently received a mailing from Kirkpatrick Management. The letter included an
announcement of the HOA annual meeting, a proxy form, and a nomination form. Your attendance is
greatly encouraged in order to hear firsthand information about the activities of the Arbor Springs
Board. If you are unable to attend, it is very important to complete and return the proxy form. In
order to conduct business at the annual meeting a quorum of our neighborhood must be present or
represented by proxy.
This meeting is also a great opportunity to ask questions and learn what is happening in our
neighborhood. We hope to see you there!

Here is the Zoom information for the meeting.
Meeting ID: 875 2689 0613
Passcode: 542194
Phone# 1 (312) 626-6799 1